Tuesday, February 28, 2012

ZXing scanning Steps

Step 1 : Get the code from ZXing scanner and show the result in EditText field

Monday, February 27, 2012


I am scared sometimes just to implement and sometimes cos of that fear, my learning process is not moving at all, I am scared of the failure and really reminding me of such a failure in first year !
God, I have to keep moving !!

Give me some strength ! I will show that I am independent and I am clever !

Friday, February 24, 2012

ZXing preinstalled code

ZXing preinstalled Code: http://mcondev.wordpress.com/2011/06/24/zxing-1-7-for-android-on-eclipse/


Integrating Barcode http://damianflannery.wordpress.com/2011/06/13/integrate-zxing-barcode-scanner-into-your-android-app-natively-using-eclipse/

Adding Database

Adding product to database (using barcode)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Update of Journey

This is my 24th hour and I just had my dinner and i m reading this blog for scanning !

To search the products in your website rather than in website of Google Product search : (use this guide)


I still keep my faith to finish the step one which is multiple bar codes scan and results to show in one page.

This is for the creating barcode: http://www.java-javafx.com/2010/09/hello-world-barcode-in-java-using-zxing.html

Milestones for the journey (the map)

1) inspire by other sources until 3 pm Thursday

2) I won't be writing a library but will check how it is done

3) Read Android developer guide properly

4) 15 min break every 2 hrs

5) first step : make the multiple scanning activity and result to be shown on a page

6) second step: connect with shopping list

7) create splash

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Android ADB another ways AND SOLVED after 17 hrs


It took me total of nearly 15 hrs to debug this.

Why I took 15 hrs?

firstly, i changed to Ubuntu ! then Ubuntu is not working well and I decided to stick with Windows again.

Lesson: next time, before you switch, think carefully and try to search the bug for another 1 hr before doing that even though it is already 12 hrs passed ! because system change is very time consuming!

My another fault was that I downloaded Google driver rather than HTC Sync driver ! (I should take care of all the little steps and meanings! Rather than just overwhelmingly hurrying up for finishing this prototype! )


The Android thingy solved after installing HTC Sync ! :) omg ! it literately took me 7 days to do all those things !
shit man!

Plugging in Android to PC directly not working

I alr plug in my devide and turn on the USB Debugging but it is still not working yet !
However to finish this project in 30 hrs, I need to do other things. So, I will have to ask helps from my friend in the morning later !

Some possible solutions (but not helpful) for those who got similar problem as me.
1) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4099593/how-to-connect-a-htc-android-phone-to-the-pc-as-debugging-device

Blogs to Inspire

Bar-code Scanner: http://adamzwakk.com/?p=416

Shopping cart tutorial : http://www.androiddom.com/2011/02/android-shopping-cart-tutorial.html

Database behind Android: http://shariqmobin.wordpress.com/2010/03/06/hello-world/

Android SDK / Eclipse set up and installation

I use Ubuntu because it is easier if you plug-in the phone to your computer and you don't need to install apache ant and ZXing library to your app !

Here is installation steps.

android plugin http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse


This was how I did last time :

But it is not that helpful since the Eclipse in my window is not recognized my mobile phone.

Android Journey


This is the journey for my application which will scan the 2D / 1D barcode and link with PayPal.

I won't show what I will do but this is just my error message blogs so that I can reference again when I am lost.

Honestly, I lose an opportunity and trust from my supervisor because of my time management skills. I am not sure if I will get it again. But, I will try my best to show that I am not a loser !
This is my 30 hrs journey to achieve the trust back and to prove that I am not a loser !